Our Philosophy

Result for the long term 

We enjoy working quickly but we don’t believe in quick hits. Our philosophy is that the candidate must have a real click with the organisation and with their manager, so that he/she will stay with your organisation for a longer period.

Finding a match is a human process

In no other sector is the chemistry with the manager as important as with Assistants. Because of the close collaboration and relationship of trust required, it is crucial that there is a good click between the two. You can’t read this in a CV, you can only assess it if you know both parties well enough. Because finding a match is a human process. And this is especially true for Assistants.


Core values

We act as intermediaries based on our three core values: customisation, quality and personal attention. We are convinced that this is the only way to find that special candidate for your organisation.

A successful match comes down to working together. The mutual relationship between client, candidate and VAN DER HOUWEN recruitment is reflected in our logo. Three parties collaborating to achieve a single goal: a successful match!

More information?

Would you like more information about our services? Feel free to
contact us.

Graag wil ik jullie bedanken voor de prettige gesprekken. Ik heb jullie als heel professioneel, gedegen en eerlijk ervaren en zal jullie zeker aanbevelen.

Florien Jansonius